Arun Area Greens celebrate local election success

Greens in Arun are celebrating a successful set of results in Thursday’s local elections. The party now has six seats on Arun District Council, with four new councillors elected and two successfully defending their existing seats.

The new councillors elected are Paul Ayling (Barnham), Anita Lawrence (Barnham), Carol Birch (Arundel & Walberton) and Melanie Penycate (Arundel & Walberton). The Green councillors who held their seat are Steve McAuliffe (Arundel & Walberton) and Sue Wallsgrove (Barnham).

Local Green Party spokesperson, and newly elected councillor, Carol Birch said:

“We’re delighted! These great results show that people here in Arun have put their trust in the Green Party – they know we do politics differently and put local people and our environment first. They know how hard we work and that we will give our all to address the issues that matter most to our residents.”

Steve McAuliffe, who successfully defended the Arundel & Walberton seat he won in the December 2022 by-election, said:

“Our aim is to strongly influence ADC decisions in a positive way. With more Greens on the council we will work on introducing enhanced policies and measures that protect our residents and the environment from unsustainable development. We acknowledge that critical infrastructure is needed across Arun. But with more Greens on the council we will have a stronger chance of ensuring that where these projects are delivered it will be done as sensitively as possible, in line with the highest environmental standards and ready to meet the needs of a low carbon economy.

“Thank you to every voter and campaigner who helped get Greens elected here. Our councillors will work tirelessly for a fairer, greener community in Arun.”

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