Welcome to the monthly newsletter from your local Green Party. Finally the General Election has been called – and we’re ready for Real Hope and Real Change
Your Green candidates
We are proud to be standing three excellent Green candidates in the General Election. On Thursday 4 July you will be able to vote for a Green candidate in the following local constituencies:

Arundel & South Downs: Steve McAuliffe
Steve is a councillor in Arun, and also sits on the South Downs National Park Board. He has had a 20-year career in ecology and environmental management. In the 2023 local election he received the highest vote share of any candidate in Arun. Support Steve!
Bognor Regis & Littlehampton: Carol Birch
Carol is a councillor in Arun, and Chairs the Housing and Wellbeing committee. She has lived in Bognor for nearly 25 years, and works in social housing. With no incumbent MP in this constituency now is the time for real change. Support Carol!
Chichester: Tim Young
Tim is a councillor in Chichester, and sits on the Environment Panel. He has lived in the area all his life, and works in solar energy. In 2020 he came a close second in the county election, receiving more votes than Labour and the Lib Dems combined. Support Tim!
- You can read more about our candidates on our website, and please let your family, friends and neighbours know they have a Green candidate.
- If you’re able, please sign up to help us with leafleting or to display a Vote Green board, and see below for more details on how to help our candidates.
Getting Sian elected in Brighton
Our local party are also actively supporting Sian Berry’s campaign in Brighton Pavilion.
The hard-working Brighton team are hosting Green supporters from across the country – with different campaign actions happening every day. It’s a fantastic atmosphere, with lots to get stuck into, and a chance to make an important difference.
If you’re able to spare any time, please do try and make a trip to Brighton. Find out more here
Help the local Green vote
Over the next few weeks we will be knocking on doors, delivering leaflets and meeting as many local constituents as we can. The positive Green message is one of real hope and real change. Can you help?
- Delivering leaflets in your local area. We can provide you with a bundle of leaflets and a map, and with the warmer, lighter evenings this is great way to help out.
- Displaying a ‘Vote Green’ board. We have several sizes to choose from, and if you live on a busy road this will be really useful.
- Donating to our Crowdfunder campaigns. Elections cost money, and we rely on member’s donations – please give if you can. Arundel & South Downs fundraiser and Chichester and Bognor Regis & Littlehampton fundraiser.
- Share our social media posts, and talk to your friends and neighbours about their Green candidate. Find us on Facebook, You Tube, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter)
If you can help with leafletting, displaying a board, or anything else – please reply to this email or contact us here. Thank you!
Every Green vote is important
Some people may be wondering about tactical voting in this election. By voting Green you will have the following important impact:
You send a message to the next government: The Tories are toast, and all signs point to a new administration. The next government needs to get to grips with the climate and nature emergency we are facing – and fast. A large national vote share for the Greens shows this urgency, and also puts on the pressure for a fairer voting system.
You send a message locally: We might be excited for the national election now, but we have already made significant changes at local and regional level. The county elections will be coming soon, and positive results for our local Greens put us in an even stronger position.
You support our national party: For every vote received, an opposition party is allocated ‘short money’. This is funding to assist with carrying out parliamentary business and expenses, and equals around £40 per year for every 200 votes.
You support our local party: We are not bankrolled by big business or billionaires – the funds for our campaigning come from our local supporters. Any funds and returned deposits will automatically go into our next campaign (the county election!)
Please note these important election dates:
- Tuesday 18 June: deadline to register to vote
- Wednesday 19 June: deadline to register for a postal vote
- Wednesday 26 June: deadline to register for a proxy vote
- Wednesday 26 June: apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (photo ID)
- Thursday 4 July: Vote Green! (find your polling station)
Tuesday 18 June, 7.30pm. Hustings in Our Lady of Sorrow’s Catholic Church, Clarence Road, Bognor Regis. With our Bognor Regis and Littlehampton candidate Carol Birch.
Thursday 20 June, 7.30pm. Hustings hosted by Sussex Online, Zoom. With our Bognor Regis and Littlehampton candidate Carol Birch. Register here.
Wednesday 26 June, 7pm. Climate hustings in Steyning. With our Arundel & South Downs candidate Steve McAuliffe. Book tickets (£3) here.
Wednesday 26 June, 7pm. Hustings in Chichester Cathedral, Chichester. With our Chichester candidate Tim Young. Register here.
Friday 28 June, 6pm. Education hustings in Chichester. With our Chichester candidate Tim Young. Venue TBC.
Tuesday 2 July, 6pm. Climate hustings in St Mary Magdalene Church, Midhurst. With our Arundel & South Downs candidate Steve McAuliffe.
If you can, please plan your journeys on public transport. If you are able to offer / require a lift share to any of the events, please contact us.
Non-election events
Saturday 22 June. Restore Nature Now march in London. We are planning to get together a local group to travel up to London and take part in this event. This will be a family-friendly and accessible march – calling for the political and policy changes desperately needed for nature. Find out more details here. Why not come with us? Please get in touch if you’re interested!
Sunday 30 June, 9.30am. Beach clean in Littlehampton. Join The Beach Cafe on their monthly litter pick along the coast. Meet by the shack, where the grabbers, gloves and bags are all provided. A member of the Beach team will lead the clean. To attend with other Green Party members, please contact Sarah.
Plastic-Free Picnic. Date in July and location TBC. After the campaigns have finished, it will be time to celebrate our election results and relax together. Our local party will be hosting a family picnic to say thank you for all your support, and to enjoy the summer! Look out for more details in the next e-newsletter.
Next branch meetings:
Tuesday 9 July, 7pm on Zoom. Click here to RSVP
Wednesday 7 August, 7pm on Zoom.
Monday 9 September, 7pm on Zoom.
Tuesday 8 October, 7pm on Zoom.
Wednesday 6 November, 7pm on Zoom.
Can we help you? Want to join us? Have skills to share?
Keep in touch with your local Chichester and Arun Greens
Join the party: join.greenparty.org.uk
Ask a question: contact@chichesterarun.greenparty.org.uk
Keep up to date: Find us on Facebook, You Tube, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter)
Help us grow: We rely on one off donations or regular standing orders to help us cover the cost of our local campaign work. If you can help out, please click here or follow the QR code.
All support is very gratefully received. Please include your last name and postcode as a reference, so we know who to thank.
A big thank you to everyone that has worked so hard over the last month on all Green causes! We look forward to seeing you soon