Please see our Chichester and Arun Green Matters YouTube resource for local Green Party video content

Faye Mackenzie, our Arun Area Coordinator & Social Media Officer, set up the YouTube channel named Chichester and Arun Green Matters where our local party videos are now being posted.

To access the channel you may either follow this link or alternatively you may enter the channel name into the YouTube search bar “@Chi_and_Arun_Green_Matters”.

We recommend clicking the subscribe button if you wish to conveniently follow our local Green Party’s video content as soon as it is created.

Our most recent videos are from talks and discussions held at Barnham Community Hall on the evening of April 19th 2024.

Jonathan Kent began with a talk explaining why he is standing as a candidate to become the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner. He described the kind of policing he believes the county deserves.

Jonathan’s talk is available to view on the embedded YouTube video shown below.

Jonathan Kent the Green Party Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner candidate

Sue Wallsgrove, Paul Ayling, and Anita Lawrence are the Green councillors representing Barnham area. They held a discussion with the residents covering community concerns over sewage, flooding, the deluge of new housing development and anti social behaviour. Astronomer John Mason (who is not politically aligned) gave a good account of the problems of local flooding and explained the long term causes of these issues.

The discussion chaired by Sue Wallsgrove is available to view on the embedded YouTube video shown below.

Sue Wallsgrove chairs discussion over local community concerns

Biodiversity Net Gain talks that Arun and Chichester Green Party were organised at the Friends Meeting House in Chichester on the 24th January 2024.

Steve McAuliffe who is an Arun District Councillor gave the first of four BNG talks.

Alex Briggs spoke on behalf of Weald to Waves and gave the second of four BNG talks.

The third talk was by Oliver Gammon (of Chichester District Council) who shared his broad knowledge of environmental planning matters and delivered the third BNG talk. His talk can be viewed from the embedded YouTube video below.

Tony Whitbread, President of the Sussex Wildlife Trust gave the final of four BNG talks.

The event finished with a questions and answers session where our expert panel addressed the audiences concerns and queries.